1- Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran 2- Isfahan University of Medical sciences, Isfahan, Iran , n.kheirollahi@nm.mui.ac.ir 3- Isfahan University of Medical sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract: (9820 Views)
Abstract Aim.This study aimed to examine the relationship between adaptability and quality of life in people whit heart failure. Background.Heart failure has a chronic debilitating process that can be very influential on quality of life. The main outcome of heart failure is disability and limitation in doing family, social and occupational roles. One of the determinants of health and prevention of exacerbations in heart failure patients is adaptability with the disease. Method.This Correlationalstudy was conducted on 200 people referring to Ekbatan Hospital located in Hamadan, Iran. Data were collected by demographic questionnaire, Bell Adjustment inventory, and Mac New Quality of Life Questionnaire. Data were analyzed in SPSS version 19 using descriptive and analytical statistics. Findings.The mean age of the sample was 63.68±12.07 years. The meanscore ofadaptabilityand quality of life were76.16±6.81 and 126.85±20.45, respectively. There wasno statisticallysignificant relationshipofadaptabilityscore anddomains of quality of life ,except for the sexual domain of quality of life. Conclusion. In people with chronic heart failure, an increase in adaptability may enhance the sexual quality of life.
Mohamadi N, Kheirollahi N, Haghighat S, Roshanaie G. Correlation between adaptability and quality of life in people with chronic heart failure. پرستاری قلب و عروق 2017; 6 (1) :6-13 URL: http://journal.icns.org.ir/article-1-427-en.html