1- Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran 2- Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran , zahradb2000@yahoo.com
Abstract: (765 Views)
Abstract Aim. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the effect of emotion-focused couple therapy on marital life quality, covert relational aggression and psychological health of couples with cardiovascular disease. Background. Patients with cardiovascular disease face many problems in their marital life and psychological health, and the use of couple therapy methods is necessary to improve them. Method. This study was a semi-experimental pretest-posttest design with control group. The study population was patients with cardiovascular disease (including hypertension, acute coronary syndrome, infarction, angina pectoris and constrictive pericarditis) referred to Razi Hospital in Ahvaz city, Iran in 2023. The sample size for each group was considered to be 13 couples, and these couples were selected by purposive sampling method based on inclusion criteria. The experimental group received 8 sessions of 90 minutes duration (two sessions per week) in the form of emotion-focused couple therapy and during this time, the control group did not receive any intervention. Data were collected with the scales marital life quality (Zhang et al., 2013), covert relational aggression (Nelsno & Carroll, 2006) and psychological health (Najarian & Davoodi, 2001) and were analyzed with Chi-square test, independent t-test and multivariate analysis of covariance in SPSS-26 software. Findings. There was no statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups in terms of age, education, illness duration and type of couple illness. In the pre-test stage, the groups did not differ significantly in terms of the mean score of marital life quality, covert relational aggression and psychological health, but in the post-test stage, there was a statistically significant difference in the mean score of all three variables (P≤0.0001). In this way, the emotion-focused couple therapy improved married life quality (F=125.366, P≤0.0001), reduced covert relational aggression (F=206.601, P≤0.0001) and improved psychological health (F=175.052, P≤0.0001) in couples with cardiovascular disease. Conclusion. The results of this study showed the effect of emotion-focused couple therapy on improving the marital life quality, reducing the covert relational aggression, and improving the psychological health of couples with cardiovascular disease. Therefore, counselors and therapists can use emotion-focused couple therapy along with other effective treatment methods to improve variables related to marital life and psychological health.
Golestanifar S, DashtBozorgi Z, Asgari P, Heidari A. The effect of emotion-focused couple therapy on marital life quality, covert relational aggression and psychological health of couples with cardiovascular disease. پرستاری قلب و عروق 2023; 12 (1) :72-82 URL: http://journal.icns.org.ir/article-1-808-en.html