1- Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran 2- Department of Pediatric Nursing, School of Nursing, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran 3- Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran , z.badiyepeyma@gmail.com
Abstract: (5526 Views)
Abstract Aim. This review study was conducted to review the effects, challenges and strategies for providing spiritual care in people with heart disease. Background. The management of people with heart disease is complex and the course of the disease is unpredictable. The needs of people with heart disease are varied. The available evidence confirms the high level of patients' spiritual needs and desire to receive spiritual care. Method. In this study, scientific databases and search engines such as Google Scholar, SID, Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science were used to find papers published between 2000 and 2020. The keywords included spiritual care, cardiac disease, cardiac patient, heart disease, coronary artery disease and their Persian equivalents. The selected articles for review were those in Persian or English language and about spiritual care and people with heart disease that their full text were available. Findings. A total of 27 articles were reviewed. The spiritual needs of people with heart disease, the effect of spiritual interventions in reducing the symptoms of these patients and the problems of achieving this goal and the way to solve them were reviewed. Conclusion. Spiritual care in patients with heart disease improves quality of life, spiritual well-being, reduces anxiety and depression; therefore, it is necessary to include spiritual care in the usual care of people with heart disease.
Eslami Akbar R, Rahimi Z, Badiyepeymaiejahromi Z. A review of spiritual care in people with heart disease: Impacts, challenges, and strategies. پرستاری قلب و عروق 2020; 9 (1) :216-224 URL: http://journal.icns.org.ir/article-1-706-en.html