1- Echocardiography Research Center, Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 2- Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3- Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , fatemeh.servati@yahoo.com
Abstract: (12318 Views)
Abstract Aim. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of clinically-indicated replacement and routine replacement of peripheral venous catheters on catheter-related complications and satisfaction in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Background. The insertion of peripheral vein catheter is one of the most commonly used minimally invasive measures in hospitalized patients. Catheters can be maintained until they are working well. Methods. A randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted in intensive care units of Rajaie Cardiovascular Medical and Research Center in 2017. After ethical Approval, 104 Patients were randomly allocated to either clinically-indicated replacement or routine replacement of peripheral venous catheters (every 96 hours) (52 Patients in each group). Data collection tools included demographic form, catheter placement data sheet and a researcher-made patients’ satisfaction questionnaire. Data were analyzed in SPSS using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings. There were no statistically significant difference in terms of the incidence of complications between the groups. Also, there were no statistically significant difference between the scores of satisfaction of the patients of the control and experimental group. Conclusion. No evidence was found of superiority of routine replacement of peripheral venous catheters over clinically-indicated replacement. Caregivers may consider changing the protocol of catheter replacement from routine replacement to clinically-indicated replacement. This would protects patients from the unnecessary pain of routine replacement in the absence of clinical indications.
Azarfarin R, Totonchi M, Rostami M, Bakhshandeh H, Servati F, Kooshki F. Comparative study of the effect of clinically-indicated replacement and routine replacement of peripheral venous catheters on catheter-related complications and satisfaction in patients undergoing cardiac surgery . پرستاری قلب و عروق 2018; 7 (1) :34-41 URL: http://journal.icns.org.ir/article-1-512-en.html