Aim. The aim of this study was to review studies about advantages and disadvantages of transradial and transfemoral coronary angiography. Transradial coronary angiography procedure is newer than transfemoral approach and inadequate knowledge and experience in this area needs to be considered for minimizing possible complications. Background. An increasing trend of cardiovascular diseases is of great importance. Although any different methods have been suggested for diagnosing coronary artery diseases, but coronary angiography remains as the best diagnostic and therapeutic method. Transradial and transfemoral coronary angiography as two approaches for diagnosing coronary artery diaseses have their own advantages and disadvantages. Method. In this review study, various databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed, AHA journal and Elsevier were searched out by Persian and English forms of the keywords “Transradial coronary angiography”, “Transfemoral coronary angiography”, “Nursing care in coronary angiography” and “complications of coronary angiography”. Findings. The findings are presented as follows: Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of both radial and femoral approach, nursing care in radial angiography procedures and comparing patients’ satisfaction of experiencing radial or femoral angiography. Conclusion. If the preparation and care before, during and after coronary angiography is properly settled and there is trained staff and physicians, it is suggested to use transradial approach for coronary angiography because of its fewer side effects and greater convenience the patients have with.