1- ShahidRajaie Cardiovascular and Research Center, Tehran, Iran 2- Department of Critical Care Nursing and Emergency Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran 3- ShahidRajaie Cardiovascular and Research Center, Tehran, Iran , p.k188@yahoo.com
Abstract: (13744 Views)
Abstract Aim.This study was conducted to investigate the level of nurses’ knowledge, attitude and practice about self-care education in people with heart failure. Background.Heart failure is one of the most common chronic diseases and the leading cause of death in the world and also, a major cause of hospital readmission, especiallyin elderly patients. Self-care education is an essential componentof care for people with heart failure. Nurses are the first providers ofself-careeducation for patients and must have a thorough knowledge, a positive attitude and skillfull practice in the field of self-care education. Method. In this descriptive-analytical study, 174 nurses with at least one year working experience in the CCU, post CCU and medical wards of ShahidRajaie Cardiovascular and Research Center, completed a four-part questionnaire including demographics information, and knowledge, attitude and practice about self-care education in people with heart failure. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics in SPSS, version 22. Findings. The majority of nurses (70.1 percent) had an average knowledge score. The knowledge level of nurses were significantly related with level of education and working experience. Also, 67.8 percent of the participants had a good practice of self-care education about heart failure and their practice was significantly related with experiencing in-service education. More than 90 percent of nurses reported positive attitude towards self-care education about heart failure and their attitude was significantly related with level of education, in-service education and work schedule. Conclusion. The knowledge of nurses was at average level. It is recommended to plan in-service education in order to promote nurses’ level of knowledge about self-care education about heart failure.
Naderi N, Mohammad-Aliha J, Khalili Y, Karami P. Knowledge, attitude, and practice of nurses about self-care education for people with chronic heart failure. پرستاری قلب و عروق 2017; 5 (4) :46-53 URL: http://journal.icns.org.ir/article-1-358-en.html