1- Associate Professor of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 2- Ph.D Candidate in Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences,Mashhad, Iran (*Corresponding Author) , mojallim871@mums.ac.ir
Abstract: (15489 Views)
Aim. The aim of this review study was to describe psychosocial problems in patients with coronary artery disease and determine strategies to prevent and deal with.
Background. The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is rising in industrial and developing countries. According to the report of World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases are accounted for a large percentage of mortalities. The most common cardiovascular disease is coronary artery disease that produces problems for people and worries in community.
Method. A systematic search was conducted on studies published in the last 20 years by using databases such as OVID, PROQUEST, SCIENCE DIRECT, GOOGLE SCHOLAR, EBSCO, SID, MAGIRAN and IRAN MEDEX with keywords such as problems, patients, coronary artery disease and related keywords. Because the aim of this study was describing the psychosocial problems of patients after coronary artery disease, physical problems was excluded.
Findings. About 70 article in English and 20 articles in Persian were found about psychosocial problems after coronary artery disease. Patients' problems were categorized in three categories: educational needs of patients with coronary artery disease, consequences of psychosocial outcomes of coronary artery disease, and different consequences for men and women with coronary artery disease.
Conclusion. Because the heart is a sensitive organ, any heart disease can jeopardize patient identity, and psychosocial effects of heart disease is more prominent than physical effects. So, it is necessary to inform patients about the nature of disease and its causes, and how to implement secondary prevention and rehabilitation to return to work and normal life. Accordingly, continuous care for self-care is of great importance. This can be established by community-based clinics for secondary prevention. Especial attention to issues of women with coronary artery disease is essential.